Hi 👋,
I'am Keerthana R
I'am Keerthana
Aspiring Coder, To enhance my knowledge about new and emerging trends in Information Technology domain. looking for a challenging role to utilise my passion for technology and develop my technical expertise and enrich my skills through continuous learning.
📫Reach me: keeths789@gmail.com
| 2020 - 2024
CGPA : 9.27
2016 - 2020
Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking System
To track the real-time position of the vehicles
or assets in case of any emergency like theft, accidents, etc.
They can also be kept with children to track their location.
Duration: May'22 - June'22
Technology: IOT
Team size: 03
Role: Hardware design
IOT Food Spoilage Detector
The integrated IoT-based Food Spoilage detector. The detection of gas from food is detected using gas sensor then it is especially for blind people.
Duration: April'22 - May'22
Technology: IOT
Team size: 02
Role: Team Lead
IOT Smoke Detector
It detect the smoke using MQ135 Gas Sensor and send the value to the blynk application where this value is displayed on the gauge.
Duration: Jan'22 - feb'22
Technology: IOT
Team size: 03
Role: Software development
Programming a microcontroller wirelessly
Wireless programming provide access to the microcontrollers to program wirelessly using a Esp8266 in Underwater.
Duration: April'22 - june'22
Technology: IOT
Team size: 06
Role: Hardware design